Kooxaha taariikhiyan loo saariyey guuldarrooyinka ugu waawayn EPL & Hal arrin oo rajo gelinaysa Sheffield oo dhibkaa ugu dambaysey + Sawirro


(Hadalsame) 25 Sebt 2023 – Kooxda Sheffield United ayaa la kulantay mid ka mid ah guuldarradii ugu cuslayd taariikhda Premier League markii ay 8-0 ku garaacday Newcastle United ciyaar ka dhacday Bramall Lane Axaddii.

Inkastoo kooxda Blades aysan weli guul gaarin tan iyo markii ay kusoo laabteen heerka koowaad, hadana dabeecadda guuldarradan ayaa noqotay mid lama filaan ah maadaama dhamaan afartii guuldarro ee xilli ciyaareedkan ay ahaayeen min hal gool oo kaliya.

Taageereyaal badan ayaa door biday inay gurigooda ku laabtaan wax badan kahor intaanu Alexander Isak noqon ciyaaryahankii sideedaad ee Newcastle shabaqa usoo taabta daqiiqaddii 87-aad, markii ay u adkaysan waayeen inay daawadaan.

Waxaa yaab leh in Newcastle ay sidan oo kale 8 uga badisay kooxda Sheffield Wednesday oo ay tan deris yihiin.

Laakiin inkasta oo natiijadani ay haatanba kooxda Paul Heckingbottom ku xididdaynayso meesha ugu hoosaysa ee kala sarraynta Premier League, haddana taariikhdu waxay soo jeedinaysaa in laga yaabo in aysan dhicin inay u laabato heerka labaad.

Halkan, Mail Sport waxa ay eegaysaa sida kooxihii ay ku dhacday 10-kii guuldarro ee ugu waawaynaa ee Premier League ay uga jawaabeen guuldarrooyinkii bahdilka ahaa ee ay la kulmeen iyadoo in badan oo ka tirsani aysan heerka 2-aad u laabanin.

10-ka kulan ee aanu soo wadno 4 ka tirsan unbay kooxihii ay guuldarrooyinka waawayni ku dheceen ay u laabteen heerka 2-aad, halka 6-da kale ay badbaadeen.

Newcastle 8-0 Sheffield Wednesday – Sebtembar 19, 1999

Sheffield Wednesday were put to the sword by Newcastle United in 1999, with record Premier League goal scorer Alan Shearer scoring five times in the eight-goal drubbing at St James' Park

Ma badbaadin oo way laabteen

Chelsea 8-0 Wigan Athletic – Maajo 9, 2010

Wigan were brushed aside by Chelsea on the final day of the 2009-10 campaign as the Blues wrapped up the Premier League title in style. Ashley Cole is pictured netting the eighth goal

Halisba kuma jirin

Chelsea 8-0 Aston Villa – Diseembar 23, 2012

Eden Hazard was among the scorers for Chelsea as they hammered Aston Villa back in 2012

Waa badbaadeen

Southampton 8-0 Sunderland – Oktoobar 18, 2014

A heavy defeat at St Mary's saw Sunderland's players offer refunds for travelling supporters

Waa badbaadeen

Manchester City 8-0 Watford – September 21, 2019 

Watford were beaten 8-0 at the Etihad (above) just a few months after being comprehensively beaten by Pep Guardiola's dominant Manchester City side in the 2019 FA Cup final

Waa laabteen

Tottenham 9-1 Wigan – Nofeembar 22, 2009

Just a few months before the heavy defeat at Chelsea, Roberto Martinez's Wigan suffered a second-half collapse at Tottenham. Aaron Lennon (right) is pictured netting the fifth goal

Waa badbaadeen

Man United 9-0 Ipswich – Maarso 4, 1995

Andy Cole (holding the ball) bagged himself five goals against Ipswich in 1995 as the Tractor Boys suffered an embarrassment at Old Trafford on their way to getting relegated that season

Waa laabteen

Southampton 0-9 Leicester City – Oktoobar 25, 2019

Southampton's first heavy defeat under Ralph Hasenhuttl saw them taken apart by Leicester

Waa laabteen

Man United 9-0 Southampton – Febraayo 2, 2021

Their next 9-0 defeat under the Austrian boss came in the following season at Old Trafford

Waa badbaadeen

Liverpool 9-0 Bournemouth – Agoosto 27, 2022

A record defeat at Anfield proved to be Scott Parker's final act as Bournemouth boss in 2022

Waa badbaadeen

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