Min BBC ilaa Daily Mail…. Cinwaannadii ugu qosolka badnaa ee ay warbaahinta dunidu ka samaysay orodkii Nasra Abuukar


(Hadalsame) 03 Agoosto 2023 – Waxaa dunidii u gudbey warkii shalay ee ku saabsanaa orodkii yaabka lahaa ee Nasra Abuukar, waxaana sheekada oo markii hore taagnayd baraha bulshada Soomaalida ay misna usii gudubtey baraha bulshada ummadaha kale, kaddibna warbaahintooda.

Sida aad hoos ka arkaysaan waxaa xitaa sheekadan soo qaatay warbaahinta soo jireenka ah ee waawayn sida BBC, Daily Star, Daily Mail, SportBible, Euro iyo qaar kale oo ka sameeyey cinwaanno yaab leh.

Bogga The Voice of Africa ayaa ugu darnaa oo isagu sheegay inay ”Somalia soo dirtay gabar uur leh”, halka Hope For Africa uu ku tilmaamay ”orodyanaddii ugu orodka yarayd taariikhda”, waloow aan taas la hubin.

SportBible wuxuu diiradda saaray in gabadha meesha lagu geeyey qaab ”nin-tooxsi ah” oo ay qaraabo yihiin madaxda xiriirka gaar ahaan Khadiija Aadan Daahir oo la sheegay inay habaryar u tahay gabadha.

Daily Star ayaa isna ku tilmaamay inay ahayd gabar ”aan weligeed ordin”, halka Euro.es uu ku sheegay ”gabadhii ugu xumayd taariikhda”.

Halkan hoose ka eeg….. 


May be an image of ‎3 people, people playing football and ‎text that says '‎Daily Mail MORE STORIES Somalian runner clocks 'slowest-ever 100m time as she finishes 10 seconds behind other athletes at the World University Games in China By Adam Shergold for MailOnline Updated: 12:27 02 Aug 2023 nsors COSLAL 商滴 Elham Garaad @EGaraad_ The Ministry Youth and Sports should step down. witness overnment How untrained to ۔mala reflects poorly on our country internationally. disheartening to select an truly shocking and Share or comment on this article: f 0 shares 0 comments‎'‎‎

May be an image of text that says 'euro. euro-ESEURO EURO Euro ES Euro > Local The worst athlete in history; Somali woman breaks record for slowest LOCAL 100m (VIDEO)- Fox Sports Stacy REPORT Local News : about 3 hours ago 140'

May be an image of 8 people, people playing tennis and text that says 'SPORT SPORTbible BIBLE 40 m It's been claimed that Nasra Abukar was only picked because she is the niece of Khadija Aden Dahir, the vice president of the Somali Athletics Federation Footage of the race has quickly gone viral, with viewers and commentators stunned it was allowed to happen... 每大通食 田透比8 i CCTV å必究 sportbible.com Somalia's Nasra Abukar "breaks the record for the slowest 100m time", investigation launched'

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