(Hadalsame) 04 Maarso 2020 – Siyaasiga Xisbiga Wadajir, Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur ayaa markale ka hadlay arrinta xad beenaadka Somalia iyo Kenya oo ay isku hayaan malliishiyaad ay Kenya dabada ka riixayso iyo Ciidanka Xooga Somalia.
Warsame ayaa bartiisa Twitter-ka kusoo qoray: ”Batalyannada Haramcad & Gorgor waxaa tababaray oo maalgeliey Dowladda Turkiga. Waxaa se loo adeegsanayaa faa’iido siyaasadeed oo sababtay khilaaf gudeed.”
Wuu sii hadloo wuxuu raaciyey: ”Waxaa la geliyey dagaallada Dhuusamareb, Baydhabo & Gedo. Waxaan Turkiga ugu baaqaynaa inay dib u eegis ku sameeyaan taageeradooda ciidamadan.”
Wixii markaa ka dambeeyay dadwayne ka xumaaday sida uu Warsame arrintan uga hadlayo, maadaama ay ciidanku kaliya u jiraan inay gutaan waajibkooda qaran oo ay ku jirto difaacidda xuduudaha dalka, ayaa kusoo qamaamay bartiisa Twitter-ka:
Things you have attacked:
Somali govt
Somali govt
Somalia’s military- non partisan institution.
Things you NEVER attacked:
UAE.— Wali.K (@WaliK100) March 4, 2020
Criticise the regime but not the military,its high time you change your tactics to convince the whole Somali nation
— Ayub omar (@ayubanes) March 4, 2020
He tweet not to convince the Somali people but to satisfy his master.
— aidid Mohamed (@Aidid001) March 4, 2020
Look the big picture Farmaajo will leave tomorrow but these troops will be the asset for the country.
— Ismail (@IsmailHaji9) March 4, 2020
It is like u don’t hve a dream on becoming a head of State one day! please change ur tactics. very unfortunate to forget what is our common values
— Abshir Abdirahman (@AbshirAAden) March 4, 2020
Harmacad & Gorgor forces usually conducting their assigned duties and restoring our territorial integrity. Including the maritime territories you have already sold out and such baseless allegation doesn’t stopped their responsibility and the support from TK government
— Hussein Diad (@HussenDiad) March 4, 2020
Waano abuuris ayaa ka horeysay inna Cabdishakuutoow. Wallee Aabbahaa ceeb mooye wax kala uma aadan soo jiidin. Ragga adiga oo kale ah jago mooyee wax kale ba kuma aamusaan sida caadiga ah. Farmaajo iyo Kheyre na waa reer qurbe oo haamaan yaasha ma af gartaan. Hacuye kalamaan!!!
— Ahmed Farah (@jaaliyadda) March 4, 2020
Trained to defend country’s borders,they are doing as per national interest. This person, Somali knows him, works for enterest of foreign nations
— Yusuf Hussein Ali (@Yusufhogato) March 4, 2020
Wow really, I agree with you that government is using this soldiers for political issues, but saying this is offensive. Adeer.
— Galad Mohamed Barre (@GaladBarre) March 4, 2020
Forces were established to enforce law and order, i won’t be surprised if i see puppets fearing to see strong governance
— Abdinasir A (@naalecade) March 4, 2020
This is hypocrite, Somalia is getting up where it was 30yrs, when they stand up and become strong, its not nice to shoot at the back. if you want to be president of Somalia at one time, be Somali citizen who proud his country, you have to support those who are currently at office
— Muse Jama Essa ? (@MuseJamaEssa) March 4, 2020
You seems be a man with a mission to derail the peace building process of his own nation ….please be mature and get a politically correct way of criticising the government
— mohamudtamaam Ma’alimow (@tamaam005) March 4, 2020
Qof wadankiisa unacay dad aay siyaada isku hayaan adiga uguma horeynin, laakin anshax xumo iyo shisheeye kalkaal baa kuu wehliyo. @M_Farmaajo Ninkani dalka iyo dadka ayuu qatar kuyahay. Maxaa diidayo in sharciga lagala noqdo oo wadanka laga mamnuuco. Waa Munaafaq
— Halyey Nomad Philosopher* (@St_Sade1) March 4, 2020
Waraabe la tag la tag bartay ka dhiga waa ku ceeb! pic.twitter.com/YyTZIn3DLB
— Abdihakim Ali Aw Aden (@sayidusomali) March 4, 2020
@AAbdishakur this man serves Kenya interest he decieved his country and want to hide the truth. He started to abuse the goverment at the time Farmajo was elected. Every person knows that he always talk about the bad side.
— Ahmed Mahamoud Ahmed (@AhmedMahamoudA9) March 4, 2020
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