(Addis Abeba) 27 Juun 2019 – Kaddib afgembigii Gobolka Amxaarada oo ujeedooyinka laga lahaa ay aad u fara badnaan karaan, balse aan si saaxi ah loo ogayn tillaabadii xigi lahayd haddii uu lacalla guulaysan lahaa, waxaa haatan walaacsan oo xaalad siyaasadeed oo xasaasi ah gashay Itoobiya oo awalba xaalad kala guur ah oo adag ku jirtey.
Waxaa haddaba dib u bilowday doodaha ku saabsan doodaha ku saabsan aayaha Itoobiya iyo sida la iskugu hayn karo dalkaa oo ka kooban qoowmiyado kala duwan oo aan is aamisanayn, dadka qaar ayaa soo jeedinaya in loo baahan yahay in la baabi’iyo federaal isireedka dalkaasi, balse haddii sidaa la yeelo xitaa xalka kale wuxuu noqonayaa in lakala tago, maadaama ay aad u adag tahay in qoomwiyadaha federaal la iskugu daro ama lasoo celiyo dowlad dhexe oo dambe.
Xaqiiqada la hubaana waxay tahay in Itoobiya aysan kusii socon karin federaalka isiraysan, isla markaana aysan haynin jid kale oo ay uga baxdo, waana cashar hor yaalla Somalia oo ay u xawishey lagana sameeyay federaal qabiilaysan ama qabyaaladaysan maadaama ay Soomaalidu hal qoowmiyad tahay.
Maadaama ay afgembiga isku dayeen Amxaarada oo aalaaba diiddan federaalaynta Itoobiya, dad badan oo weli xusuusta tacaddiga Amxaarada ayaa u fahmey in ay doonayaan inay Federaalka burburiyaan, iyagoo ka bilaabaya gobolkooda. Haddaba arag fal-celinta dadwaynaha qaarkood:
I think best solution for Ethiopia is this Tigray & part of Afar join Eritrea, Amhara takes benshangul, rest of Afar and Showa and becomes independent, Oromo, snnp & gambela become one independent ctry, Somali joins Somalia. Win win for everyone, happy?
— ህዝባዊ ግንባር ዘ ዳግማዊ (@ksimon12) June 25, 2019
my opinion is that #Ethiopia is finished. in 1978 a coup was attempted in #somalia to overthrow siad barre. the coup changed the country put it on the road of disintegration. the army was purged leaving it weak and a shell of its former self. the crackdown on the the people and
— ????/ayub ?????/yusuf (@ayubyusuf19) June 26, 2019
their freedoms led to mass rebellion and slowly but surely the country got worse and worse until total collapse in 1991. in somalia, the homogeneity and common identity of the people kept the country together for so long but no such a thing exists in Ethiopia. therefore I don’t
— ????/ayub ?????/yusuf (@ayubyusuf19) June 26, 2019
think Ethiopia’s collapse will take as long as Somalia’s did. but one thing is for certain from here on out Ethiopia will only get worse until it collapses. the question is are we ready?
— ????/ayub ?????/yusuf (@ayubyusuf19) June 26, 2019
We will defend it!!!
— Finfinne (@finfinne6) June 25, 2019
You’ve got it twisted. Nobody at this day and age is against Federalism. What type is the question. Ethnic federalism apparently failed the country and should change!!
— Amha W (@amha11) June 25, 2019
ONE Ethnic domination isn’t answer either. So, either we stay together in equal terms or divorce peacefully.
— Ogaden Online (@ogadenonline) June 25, 2019
Truth hurts??♂️
— የማነ (@WediShire_) June 25, 2019
ሲባል ሰምታ ዶሮ ብጭስ ታጥና ሞተች Time to replace this wheels of history Because the current ones-are about to be torn to pieces. The vehicle is not drivable anymore
— insignutopia (@insignutopia1) June 25, 2019
If the “vehicle isn’t drivable anymore”, let us dissemble peacefully.
— Ogaden Online (@ogadenonline) June 25, 2019
Federalism are UNTOUCHABLE.. If Amhara want to repeat their animalism behavior it will never ever happen again. IF FEDERALISM DOESN’T MEAN NOTHING TO YOU MAKE YOUR OWN COUNTRY AND FEEL BETTER.
— Sadam (@Sadam33091974) June 25, 2019
Abiy and his party better bring an external investigators for both killings. Plus
If everything is over then why is the internet still closed?
Why are they arresting a lot off people from both Addis’s abeba(50) and bahirdar(200)?? Who killed 40 people on sunday in benshangul?— Martha Zelalem (@MarthaZelalem) June 25, 2019
As if the victims during ethnic federalism politics do not outweigh the sacrifices to bring down the brutal and incompetent Derg regime. These guys are power thirsty and nepotism freaks.
— Ethiopia Hager Fikir (@ethiopia_fikir) June 26, 2019
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