(Muqdisho) 02 Dis 2018 – Shacabka ayaa weerar ku qaaday madaxwaynaha Somalia Md Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo oo ka tacsiyeeyay geerida madaxwaynihii Maraykanka George H.W. Bush.
Madaxwaynaha ayaa bartiisa Twitter-ka kusoo qoray: ”Anigoo ka wakiil ah shacabka Soomaaliyeed, waxaan tacsi kashka kasoo go’day u fidinayaa shacabka Maraykanka oo aan uga tacsiyaynayo madaxwaynaha hore ee xijaabtey George H.W. Bush. Madaxwayne Bush wuxuu ahaa nin qaran oo dhab ah oo ay ka go’nayd nabadda adduunka iyo dimoqraadiyadda.”
Yeelkeede, dad badan oo Soomaaliyeed ayaa kusoo qamaamay warka madaxwaynaha iyagoo ku doodaya inuusan ka tacsiyayn marka ay geeriyoodaan dad Soomaaliyeed, balse uu aalaaba lasoo degdego midda caalamiga ah.
Halkan guji si aad u aragto jawaabaha…
On behalf of the people of Somalia, I extend my heartfelt condolences to the Bush family and to the American people on the passing of former US President George H.W. Bush. President Bush was a true statesman who was committed to world peace and upholding democracy.
— Mohamed Farmaajo (@M_Farmaajo) December 1, 2018
Mr. President, while this man was president, Somalia disappeared from the map! Somali lives were worth less than a Black Hawk at time, as he sat and watched! We can’t be afraid of history, it is what it is! As a human, we can say a prayer & we will, but he was not a friend of ??
— Bile (@bilekhalif) December 2, 2018
pls relax with this unnecessary condolences if a bird dies in Saudi Arabia or USA somehow Somali official have to make a post about it we don’t care if bush is dead
— M_Farah (@M_XHIMIICSOM) December 2, 2018
The habit of our president is to send immediately condolences to the abroad, and silenced the local one.
Curiously what our leaders behave.
— Cabdiraxmaan daahir Dul-yadeyn (@craxmandahir1) December 2, 2018
Bush maxa naga galay dadkii kaawo godeey iyo Gaalkacyo lagu layay maxa ugu so tacsi yen wesay
— Ali mohamed addow (@Alimohamedaddo1) December 2, 2018
Hadalsame Media