(Muqdisho) 16 Nof 2018 – Guddoonka Gobolka Banaadir ayaa dhaleecayn kala kulmay barta Twitter-ka kaddib markii uu sameeyay Tweet uusan sida muuqata laba jeer ka fikirin oo ku saabsan siyaasadda dal kale, jeer uu yahay guddoomiyaha caasimadda dal dhan oo ah Somalia.
Wuxuu soo qoray sidatan: ”Waxaan ka mid ahaa 48% u codeeyay in Yurub laga sii mid ahaado, si kastaba, waa inaan taageernaa qorshaha @theresa_may ee Brexit maadaama ay sharaftay ballanteedii dadka iyo aragtideeda danta qaranka UK. Aan horay u soconno oo yaynaan dib u ugu noqonin bilowga.”
Arrintan ayaa caawinaysa kiiska dadka qaba inaanba jago qaran Somalia laga siinin qof haysta laba jinsi, iyagoo ku doodaya in sida qoraalkan ka muuqata uu guddoomiyuhu ilaalinayo ama ku mashquulsan yahay danaha dal kale, balse uu ilaawey midda dadka uu haatan xilka u hayo.
Hiba Shookari ayaa soo qortay: ”Aan horay u soconno? Markii iigu kaa dambaysay waxaad ahayd Duqa Muqdisho.”
Nin Cisaaf la yiraahdo baa eedda saaray labada jinsiyadood ee ay madaxdu haystaan, balse Yuusuf Cabdi ayaa ugu jawaabey inaysan dhibaatadu jinsiyadaha la haysto ahayn ee ay tahay fikirka qofka oo laga doonayo inuu diiradda saaro shaqada markaa u taalla ee uusan noqonin qof aan kala jeclayn.
Mohamed baa soo qoray: ”Mudane haddii aad British tahay amaan na sii oo dalkeenna noo dhaaf.”
I was one of the 48% that voted remain, however, we must support @theresa_may Brexit plan as she honored her promise to the people and her vision for the national interest of UK. Let us move on and not to go back to square one
— Abdirahman O. Osman (@engyarisow) November 15, 2018
Let us move on..?!
Who is us, last time I checked you were Mogadishu’s mayor— Hiba shookari هبة شوكري (@hibashookari) November 16, 2018
هذا مشكلة كبيرة لا اعرف كيف سيتعامل معها الشعب وأيضا اصحاب الشأن كلهم لديهم جنسيات أمريكية واوربية الله يستر فرماجو .وحسن وأيضا رئيس بلدية مقديشو
— عساف (@Khader712) November 16, 2018
الجنسية ليست مشكلة، المشكلة تكمن بالفكر، عندما يفكر الإنسان ويشعر بالمسؤولية تجاه عمله ستراه مخلص لعمله وليس مثل هذا الرجل الذي يحمل منطق اللامبالاة.
— Yossef cabdi ?? (@Youssef777s) November 16, 2018
Concentrate on your job. This is the reason my the parliament needs to revoke all international passport holders to run for government jobs.
— Abdirahim Osman (@baydhabo_88) November 15, 2018
The parliament themselves are dual nationals ??????
— Dopeman (@dope_dopeman) November 15, 2018
Its an issie because you dont know the loyalty of the individual. On top of that how will you prosecute them? This nation is run by men and women with back up plan. We need people who have no where to go so that they have no other option but to fix the problems
— Abdirahim Osman (@baydhabo_88) November 16, 2018
Mayor, you are not going to get love from Somali Twitter for this message. Your 100% focus should be Mogadishu not UK politics.
— Mo Ali (@xidignet) November 15, 2018
Sir if u are Brithish leave as alone and get out our country
— mohamad (@181mohmad) November 15, 2018
Ileen ceeb looma dhinto… Baadida nin baa kula daydayi daalna kaabadane** Oo aan dooneeyn in aad hesho daa’in abidkaaye! Layabaabi maayo hadii la iisheego in Farmaajo uu Doorashadi xiliga dhexe ee Maraykanka ka codeeyay!
— Ahmed Abdulle (@Abdulle85) November 16, 2018
Under the law, Australian officials don’t hold dual citizenship, We need to do the same a lot of our officials just don’t care about us, Their families live abroad & they’re here to collect money, It’s our fault for supporting these crooks because of Tribalism
— Murad Ali (@Ay_murad) November 15, 2018
No problem of your sympathy for the country which has welcomed you as a refugee but we need your devotion for Mogadishu, at least for now.
— Dr. Abdurazak Ali (@AbdurazakAli1) November 15, 2018
He is a Brit after all. Why is he in #Somalia ? mmmm? Money!… Who ever said he cared about thee.. Wake Up Somalis. This is the kind “Siyaad Bare put a Stop 2 Back in 1969. But hey, Don’t forget we have Democracy now , Hey!.. Behave. Yaa SooMaaL. pic.twitter.com/3SH77MDlT4
— Asli Abade (@akeemdayer) November 16, 2018
They always care about their pockets
— Somali Son Of Somalia (@daddylahm) November 16, 2018
Hadalsame Media