(Minneapolis) 05 Okt 2018 – Waxyaabaha markiiba la ogaan karo ama aan la ogaan karin ayay ka mid tahay inaad socoto adigoo ay xaashida musqushu kabahaaga ka laalaaddo, si kastaba se waxay ku dhacday madaxwaynaha Maraykanka ee Donald Trump, oo sidaa ku fuulay Air Force One.
Daqiiqaddaa yaxyaxa leh ee qabsatay madaxwaynaha Maraykanka ayaa haatan caalamka looga qaxwaynayaa, waxayna arrintani ka dhacday garoonka caalamiga ah ee Minneapolis–Saint Paul International Airport.
”Trump saaxiibbo ma leh!” ayaa ka mid ah jawaabihii ay dadku bixiyeen, iyadoo arrintan aad loogu jeexjeexay baraha bulshada. Qaar baa dhaliilay ilaalada ka socota hay’adda US Secter Service (USSS) ee madaxwaynaha ilaaliya.
Trump boarding AF1 today with toilet paper stuck to his shoe. Trump has no friends. https://t.co/BbMU66uwNV
— ? FERRARI SHEPPARD (@stopbeingfamous) October 5, 2018
What I find hilarious is Secret Service can spot danger from a thousand yards, yet didn’t bother to tell Trump about the toilet paper stuck to the bottom of his shoe.
That’s one way to let him know how you feel! Love it.— Robb Lee? (@RobbieLeeB) October 5, 2018
WATCH: President Trump boards Air Force One with what appears to be toilet paper stuck to his shoe pic.twitter.com/A0AEYXXlXq
— Joel Franco (@OfficialJoelF) October 5, 2018
I honestly cannot believe it’s taken this long for Trump to board Air Force One with a full strand of toilet paper trailing from his shoe. https://t.co/hLWrqKqsIK
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) October 5, 2018
That means there is not a single person who cares about him enough to tell him he had toilet paper stuck to his shoe from whatever bathroom he was in all the way to the plane https://t.co/87Xz1rrxXQ
— rabia O’chaudry (@rabiasquared) October 5, 2018
True Trump supporters should start wearing toilet paper stuck to the bottom of their shoes in solidarity.
— MꙬse Allain (@MooseAllain) October 5, 2018
This has to be so embarrassing ?
— K (@oreo_thins) October 5, 2018
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