(Eindhoven) 02 Okt 2018 – Haddii Koobka Horyaallada Yurub ee Champions League ciyaarihiisa lagu dheeli lahaa baraha bulshada, kulanka Psv Eindhoven iyo Inter wuxuu ku dhamaan lahaa bareejo.
Labada naadi ayaa berritoole ku ballansan gegada Philips Stadium, waxayna labada kooxood dagaal qaboow ka bilaabeen barta Twitter-ka oo ay koox kasta Ronaldo Wayne waydiisay kooxda uu habeen dambe u sacbinayo.
Su’aasha ”yaad habeen dambe taageeraysaa” ayaa waxaa kasoo jawaabey isla Ronaldo kaddib markii ay dhowr mar isku tuur tuureen labada kooxi isagoo soo qoray sidatan: “Ka daaya dee, waxaan labada kooxoodba ku leeyahay xusuuso qurux badan, nasiib wacan!”.
Hey @Ronaldo, who will you be supporting tomorrow evening? #UCL #PSVInter #PSVFCIM
— Inter (@Inter_en) October 2, 2018
Obviously us! ?#PSVFCIM #UCL pic.twitter.com/uXkMraeYUl
— PSV (@PSV) October 2, 2018
Are you sure? I mean, he did score some of his best goals for us! ?#PSVInter #PSVFCIM pic.twitter.com/BpzKNEO9bv
— Inter (@Inter_en) October 2, 2018
Sorry, but we’re not convinced ?
Check these ⚽⚽⚽ out!#PSVFCIM pic.twitter.com/IVuyojH3Fe
— PSV (@PSV) October 2, 2018
Yes, but what about this? ?#PSVInter #PSVFCIM pic.twitter.com/49KVIqIB7j
— Inter (@Inter_en) October 2, 2018
Come on! I have wonderful memories with both teams. Good luck! #PSVInter #PSVFCIM #UCL
— Ronaldo Nazário (@Ronaldo) October 2, 2018
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