(Pristina) 22 Sebt 2018 – Hoggaamiyaha Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, ayaa Yuhuudda u ballan qaaday inuu safaaraddiisa ka furan doono magaalada Quddus, haddii ay Israel ay gobolkan oo Serbia ka tirsanaa u aqoonsato dal madax bannaan.
“Haddii ay Israel aqoonsato Kosovo, waxaan safaaradda Kosovo gayn lahaa Quddus,” ayuu ninkani u sheegay saxaafadda Kosovo oo ay soo xigatey Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA), wuxuuna Thaci yaboohan sameeyay mar uu waraysi siinayay TV Albanian ah oo la yiraahdo Vizion Plus TV.
Kosovo ayaa ah gobol ay u badan yihiin dad Muslimiin ah oo asal Albanian ah oo ay NATO qabsatay 1999-kii, kaddib 78-maalmood oo ay cirka ka duqaynayeen, iyagoo taageerayay jabhaddii ‘Kosovo Liberation Army’ (KLA), ee uu hoggaaminayay isla Thaci.
Waxay madax bannaani ku dhawaaqeen bishii Febraayo 2008, waxaana aqoonsaday Maraykanka iyo xulufadiisa inta badan, waloow ay weli jiraan 5 dal oo ka mid ah Midowga Yurub iyo 4 ka mid ah NATO oo aan weli aqoonsanin.
The leader of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, has offered to place the embassy of his self-proclaimed state in Jerusalem, if Israel would recognize the renegade Serbian province as an independent country.
“If Kosovo were recognized by Israel, I would place the Kosovo embassy in Jerusalem,” the Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA) reported Friday, citing KosovaPress. Thaci made the offer during an interview with Albania’s Vizion Plus TV.
Kosovo was an autonomous province of Serbia that NATO occupied in 1999, after a 78-day airstrike campaign on behalf of the ethnic Albanian ‘Kosovo Liberation Army’ (KLA), led by Thaci. In February 2008, the provisional government unilaterally declared the region’s independence. It has been recognized by the US and most of its allies, though five EU and four NATO members still refuse to follow suit.
#Kosovo: A decade of dependence (Op-Ed by @NebojsaMalic) https://t.co/ae25oTB3DR pic.twitter.com/sEJzwkrS6s
— RT (@RT_com) February 17, 2018
Hadalsame Media