(Phoenix) 03 Sebt 2018 – Yaa ogaa inay Dimoqraadiga & Jamhuurigu ay ku wada hadlaan meel ka baxsan masraxyada siyaasadda? Sida cad qof kasta sidaa uma oga, tan iyo markii uu George Bush uu nacnac la wadaagey Michelle Obama oo ay ka wada qayb galeen duugtii John McCain, taasoo aad loogu qaadaa dhigay baraha bulshada.
George W. Bush sneaking a piece of candy to Michelle Obama is warming my heart . pic.twitter.com/pAtDdIcSeB
— Roland Scahill (@rolandscahill) September 1, 2018
Jeer uu jawigu ahaa mid lagu caajisayo — ayay indhaha gorgorka ah ee kaamirooyinku qabteen madaxwaynihii hore ee Maraykanka ee George W. Bush oo nac nac u baasaya Marwadii Koowaad ee Michelle Obama — oo iyaduna joogtey aaskii senetarkii McCain.
Yeelkeede, waxaa arrintan lagu qaadaa dhigay baraha bulshada, iyadoo ay dadka qaar soo qoreen inay meesha wada joogaan dad galay dembiyo dagaal oo hal meel ka wada shidaal qaata xisbigii ay doonaanba haka tirsanaadaane.
George Bush sneaking Michelle Obama some candy during John McCain’s funeral might be the video that saves the Republic pic.twitter.com/GvQscSvO5y
— Robert Maguire (@RobertMaguire_) September 2, 2018
The relationship between George W. Bush and Michelle Obama is still as cute as when I wrote this in 2016 https://t.co/eq9SOB5JBZ https://t.co/pOGfn6kgJh
— Caroline Kenny (@carolinerkenny) September 1, 2018
I keep thinking of this. Such an ordinary gesture. So unexpectedly moving in an era that can seem starved of kindness, sweetness, basic human decency. https://t.co/gig7Mg1jua
— Mary Louise Kelly (@NPRKelly) September 1, 2018
A person who passes you candy like that is a true friend. #McCainMemorial https://t.co/YHybwhc4IX
— Aisha Sultan (@AishaS) September 1, 2018
Nothing brings Washington together like war or the death of ‘one of their own’. Whether they pretend to care about the ‘little guy’ or the ‘middle class’ they feed from the same trough: banks, corporations, AIPAC & KSA. They are parasites. Meanwhile missiles land in Damascus… pic.twitter.com/4W0Mh3YWjp
— MarkGB (@MarkGBblog) September 1, 2018
McCain killed people in Vietnam and supported killing people elsewhere. GWBush killed 1 million Iraqis and Obama killed thousands and brought slavery to Libya. But Bush gives Michelle Obama a piece of candy so let’s just forget about all that.
— Margaret Kimberley (@freedomrideblog) September 1, 2018
The cute passing of candy to Michelle would be enough to make me forgive the network of secret torture sites, lawless surveillance, and letting bin Laden get away but the unnecessary war that destabilized the region for a generation + collapse of world economy is still too much.
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) September 2, 2018
I wish America found Reality Winner as interesting as George W. Bush giving Michelle Obama a piece of candy.
— David Dark’s Freeway of Love (@DavidDark) September 1, 2018
geroge bush may have killed a lot of people, but he also gave Michelle obama candy, so, it;s impossible to say if hes bad or not,
— robocop but maoist or something (@NormsRespecter) September 2, 2018
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