(Monaco) 30 Agoosto 2018 – Waxaa fiidkan la sameeyay isku aadka Champions League, balse waxaa jirey isku aad kale oo la yaab lahaa oo kasoo baxay munaasabaddii Monaco, kaddib markii ay UEFA ay Mohamed Salah hor fariisisey Sergio Ramos oo ay iskula dheceen final-kii CL.
Ramos, ayaa dood ka kiciyay baraha bulshada kaddib markii uu garabka ka dharbaaxay laacibka reer Masar, markii uu qaadanayay daafaca ugu wanaagsanaa tartanka, waana arrin laacibkaasi xusuusinaysa dhaawicii xanuunka badnaa.
Qof baa Twitter kusoo qoray in Salah maqnaanayo inta ka dhiman fasal-ciyaareedkan, kaddib markii uu ”dhaawac laga yaqyaqsoodo u gaystay Ramos”.
Mo Salah is set to miss the rest of the season after a disgusting attack on his shoulder by Sergio Ramos pic.twitter.com/z52SpT5zwE
— ODDSbible (@ODDSbible) August 30, 2018
They sat @MoSalah next to @SergioRamos in the #UCLDraws hahahaha you can feel the tension in the air
— Michael Taco (@michael_taco) August 30, 2018
Whoever did the seating arrangements at the draw didn’t miss a trick by seating Salah right in front of Ramos. ?
— Tony Barrett (@TonyBarrett) August 30, 2018
Ramos held Salah’s shoulder before sitting behind him ?? pic.twitter.com/8Pc3fRrhMH
— Ali?? (@TheBeardedRauI) August 30, 2018
Did Ramos just dislocate Salah’s shoulder again? pic.twitter.com/sML5FAYYUz
— Jenna (@JennaChami) August 30, 2018
They sat Ramos behind salah in the draw ? ? #UCLDraw pic.twitter.com/KAk5X9K6wp
— John Benfield (@Benfield13) August 30, 2018
Sergio Ramos receiving Champions League Defender of the season and goes on to sit behind Mo Salah and squeeze his shoulder as he does it.
No tension there ??
— C o n? (@_CAS21) August 30, 2018
Sergio Ramos receiving Champions League Defender of the season and goes on to sit behind Mo Salah and squeeze his shoulder as he does it.
No tension there ??
— C o n? (@_CAS21) August 30, 2018
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