(Kuwayt) 24 Luulyo 2018 – Gabar Kuwaiti ah ayaa cambaarayn ba’an kala kulantay baraha bulshada kaddib markii ay dhaliishay sharci cusub oo kasoo baxay dalkaa cusub oo lagu wanaajiyo habka loola dhaqmo adeegtooyinka oo ay ku jirto jaariyadda iyada u shaqaysa ee Filipino-ga ah.
Gabadhan oo ka shaqaysa is qurxinta (make up) oo la yiraahdo Sondos Alqattan ayaa caradeeda ku muujisay muuqaal ay daawadeen in ka badan 2.3 milyan oo iyada raaca dhanka Instagram.
The Kuwaiti beauty blogger @Sondos_q who criticised new laws giving Filipino maids a day off appears in a new video & doubles down on everything she said: “They don’t need a day off EVERY week”! pic.twitter.com/b1h1dVsIr9
— Abdirahim Saeed (@AbdirahimS) July 23, 2018
Maybe you should eat some make up so you can be pretty on the inside too. #sondosalqattan
— mariemeinstead (@mariemeinstead) July 20, 2018
@sondosalqattan I used to like you because i think u are an amazing woman, but what you said about Filipino domestic helper is below the belt, you are nothing but a pretty face, rotten from the inside..
— Kris Aganon (@AganonKris) July 19, 2018
Waxayna aad uga hor timi sharcigan cusub oo “khaddaamooyinka” haatan xaq u siinaya inay baasaboor cusub yeelan karaan, ay fasax qaadan karaan 5 saac kasta, todobaadkiina ay hal maalin shaqada fasax ka noqon karaan.
“Sidee guriga adeegto kuugu joogaysaa aadan baasaboorka ka haysan? Haddii ay maalin fasax noqoto se yaa ii shaqaynaya?,” ayay is waydiisay. “Daacaddii xeerkan kuma raacsani. Mana rabo adeegto Filipino ah hadda kaddib.” ayay tiri, iyadoo warkan markale ku celisey Isniintii.
boycotting an influencer. anybody who thinks keeping their employee’s passport is their right and anybody who believes a working person does not deserve at least one day off, is out of touch with humanity #SondosAlqattan #slavery
— Pam for the Glam (@pamfortheglam) July 20, 2018
The only thing worse than a lousy apology, is a lousy apology riddled with grammatical errors. #sondosalqattan pic.twitter.com/KMXxT1jaI3
— Asma I. AbdulMalik (@AsmaIMalik) July 24, 2018
I am calling out @ShiseidoUSA @phyto_usa @Bellacontacts @HP @ABHcosmetics and any other brands associated with Ms. Alqattan. How does it feel having someone like, Sondos Alqattan who literally supports Modern Day Slavery, represent you?
— Gelo Carter (@GeloCarter) July 21, 2018
Loved @ABHcosmetics but until they do something about the hateful, racist, and deragatory comments made by Sondos Alqattan, then I refuse to purchase any of their products. They would be enabling modern day slavery. Domestic workers are PEOPLE NOT SLAVES.
— Alexis Nicole (@alexisnicolecg) July 20, 2018
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